Friday, January 22, 2016

Hurdles, Give Up, Walk Around, Climb, or Sail

You're walking/running at a good clip. Enjoying the beautiful sky above you. Enjoying the smell of the sweet, green grass. Distance passes beneath your feet. Foot by foot. Then you see it. A hurdle. It doesn't seem so big yet, but as you close in the distance, you see it's large, comes to your belly button.
You have a few choices. You can quit. You can stop this lovely race you're in. And just walk of the field. Give up.
You can walk around it. Avoid it altogether. Pretend it didn't happen. Maybe it won't resurface. It always will though.
Or you can do your best to get over it. Maybe you will fall over it. Maybe you will climb over it. Or maybe you will sail, like a gorgeous deer (or my dog) over a fence, with beauty and grace that will make others hold their breath and watch.
Hurdles are obstacles, and in life we come across them all the time. ALL THE TIME! We get comments from people who make us want to quit. We get appointments that get in the way. We get belly aches that make us want to just lay in bed all day. Or, we worry ourselves so much, that we just feel like we have to stop. Or, we get so many obstacles in our head, that we can't get past them. That was me lately. I wanted to write, but so many ideas bouncing around, so much that I needed to get done first (hello laundry), so, so, so much that I couldn't start typing.
So what do we do. Well, I considered not writing any more blogs. It's been a month or two. Why should a pick it up? (Giving up on the hurdle).
I also considered going on in my journey. Not writing right now. Just to keep doing things the way I've already been doing it. I can always pick it up later right? (Walking around the hurdle).
Instead, I picked up my phone (after throwing a load in the wash), and started stumbling through this. (Climbing the hurdle).
Oh and guess what, next time I write, it'll be easier. (I'll sail right on through that hurdle).

So what's your hurdle right now? How are you going to handle it?
I have a few:
Not wanting to get up that early to exercise
Not wanting to take pictures of myself
Not wanting to give up sweets after the holidays
Not wanting to bus my kids around to all of their stuff.
I am not giving up, and I'm not walking around.
I may stumble, but soon I'm gonna sail like my gorgeous dog over that fence. Feel the breeze in my hair, and enjoy the glorious freedom.

(Thankfully my dog has not done that since we got a taller fence.)

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