Sunday, January 24, 2016

Shakeology, Worth It or Not? My Perspective

Wait a minute...what? It's that expensive? NO way! Those were my thoughts. No way was I going to do that much on a bag of protein mix. It's not worth it. I'm working off a military budget here. I mean, it's not that horrible, but compared to what I can buy at the grocery store???

So I began a quest of research. Hundreds and hundreds (well, maybe not that much, but it seemed like it!!) of websites, articles, and more of protein shakes. I mean, there's gotta be one, or some off brand that comes close right? RIGHT??!!???

I became so involved in the stress of research that I went up to my spouse and said, "it's your turn, find something cheaper that compares." I almost had tears in my eyes...well, maybe I did, I'm not gonna tell.

Here's the thing. I was so determined to become healthy, so determined to change my life, that I was willing to use a lot of time researching the best protein shakes. So yes, I'll admit it, when I couldn't find something cheaper, it brought me to tears. Did I want to spend that on myself? And what it really came down to was this, was I worth it? You may or may not have the same feelings, but deep down inside, this is what I was struggling with.

What is Shakeology? So Shakeology is a protein-rich, nutrient formula, full of vitamins, proteins and minerals. It was created by Beachbody to help people to reach their goals. The nutrients, vitamins, proteins and minerals are things that your body needs, such as protein, antioxidants, phytonutrients, prebiotics, enzymes, and many others. Interestingly, the ingredients for Shakeology come from all over the world, such as camu-camu and goji berries.

They claim that it can be beneficial for feeling better, losing weight, reduce cravings, increase energy levels, help you to be alert and focused, support the immune system, fight free radical damage, help with digestion, and many, many others.

So here’s my question, if it’s so great, then are there any people, surveys or studies to back up their claims?

First, we will start with Oprah, because well, she’s famous. She’s super into health. She does her homework. In May of 2011, the Oprah magazine featured an 11 page article on the benefits of Shakeology, and liked it! This was all without the swaying of Beachbody. That says something.

Second, Beachbody surveyed 3000 daily Shakeology drinkers, and found that 93% feel healthier, 86% increased energy levels, and 97% feel that it is good investment in their health. that’s a lot of people who seem to like the stuff.

Third, a study. A study was conducted in 2012 on 50 participants ranging in physical ability and nutrition. Participants were instructed to drink two shakes a day, for 12 weeks. Participants reported in daily. What the study found was that participants lost an average of 9.3 pounds, steadily over the weeks. Cholesterol was lowered by 7%. Blood sugar, an important issue for diabetics, the study found that the HbA1c was reduced between 5-19%.

So now I am left thinking, is the amount you pay, worth it? Well, in my daily food intake, I am learning how to do clean eating. It’s hard, and I falter a lot...I mean I did have half of a donut on Sunday. So there is a big chance I won’t eat healthy every single day of my life...I gotta live a little, I don’t think I could give up ice cream. So if I am on top of my eating, by making healthy choices, all the time, will I get all these nutrients every day? Maybe, but not likely. How about you?

 So, after a ton of debating, I went with the Shakeology. I had to budget for it.

Let’s fast forward four months. I am now 30 pounds lighter. I have energy, I have drive. I am loving myself...yeah, loving myself. Do you realize how huge that is??? I can look in the mirror and not hate the reflections and wonder if the mirror is curved like those circus funhouses. The biggest thing, I no longer and suffering horribly from GERD, or severe acid reflux.

Was it all Shakeology? No, not at all. Clean Eating played a huge part, as did exercise. You know what though? It got me to my first goal, of liking myself, having confidence, and fitting into my jeans that I detested seeing hidden under my bed. It also is helping with another goal, preventing diabetes, heart disease, and stroke that is deeply imbedded in my family history.

So, going back, is it worth the money? YES!! It is worth the money to invest in yourself! And it ends up being less than $4.00 a day for breakfast. Less than that over priced coffee and danish you've been eyeing. It’s the healthiest meal you're going to have all day long.

So worth it? Yes, and so are you! 

Ready for Shakeology ? Click Here 


Shakeology Now Clinically Proven. (2014). Retrieved from

Sharpe, B. (2014). Shakeology Nutrition Facts. Retrieved from

Jones, A. (2011). Oprah Magazine Shakeology Article Review. Retrieved from

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