
My Shakeology Story
"I was eating a ton of sugar...I lived on chocolate milk and ice-cream, specifically, cookie dough flavored. When I began Shakeology, immediately it fulfilled my need for chocolate milk. I drank it in the morning, so it filled in for my chocolate milk for breakfast. Honestly, I had no time for breakfast in the morning, I was running out the door with three kids in tow. Now, I desire naps for an extra boost in the afternoon, I've lost a steady amount of weight, I have energy, clarity of thought, and my digestive system is happy!"

What IS Shakeology?
Shakeology is a comprehensive nutritional shake that provides a wide variety of healthy nutrients in a low-calorie formula. Whether you use it as a meal replacement for weight loss or simply to ensure your body gets all the nutrients it needs for optimal health, Shakeology takes the guesswork out of nutrition!

Is it a protein Shake?
Yes...and no! While Shakeology has a high quality protein component it is FAR more than that. Shakeology has over 70 greens, fruits, and veggies-that's the nutritional equivalent of FIVE plates of salad in each serving! Now don't get me wrong, I like salads, but FIVE a day, EVERY DAY?!? I just know that no matter how good that might be for me, I just couldn't live with it! Shakeology makes it very easy to get all my vital nutrients you need while still controlling calories. Truth be told, most people are Nutrient Deficient than Protein Deficient! So why get a shake that just gives you protein?
Are the macro-nutrients "better" than the shake I'm already drinking?
A lot of people look at just 3 thinks on a label: protein, carbs, and fats. There is WAY more to reading a label than that! As long as the protein, barbs are in the acceptable RANGE, what you REALLY need to look at is The Quality of all OTHER ingredients, where they come from and what they do for your internal health on a cellular level. You also need to be on the lookout for what is NOT on the label! Shakeology has NO ARTIFICIAL colors, sweeteners, flavors, preservatives, stimulants or soy. When comparing labels, be sure to look at the BIG PICTURE!!

Isn't it better to eat whole foods?
Yes! Shakeology IS a whole food! Shakeology is made in a unique way to "preserve" it, instead of "processed fake" foods. Each ingredient in Shakeology undergoes a careful process so that you get the benefits of whole food nutrition. The ingredients are dried out and ground, and then bagged! So you get the benefits of 70 super food ingredients without having to buy each and every single one!

But the expense!!
When looking at the expense of Shakeology, you have to understand the entire value of it. When you go out to buy coffee, how much are you paying? About $5 right? Now look at Shakeology. It is a whole meal, a very nutritious meal, with crazy good stuff in it, and you spend about $4 a day! Which is worth more, the coffee or a meal that is going to fuel and keep your body healthy? It includes all the daily vitamins that a typical person needs each day!
Most don't go out and buy all their groceries for a month at once. Think of the big super stores that you can though, and you can buy a whole lot, for a decent price. That is how this works you don't have to buy it at the store every single week. So the best method? Budgets! Put into your budget that you will get Shakeology once a month, because you know how good it is for you! If you think about it, it will be the LEAST expensive meal you will give yourself all month long!

What about the people who don't need to lose weight?
Shakeology is not only for those who are losing weight, but is beneficial for everyone!
Shakeology can:
  • Boost Immune Systems
  • Regain Energy
  • Recover from Illness
  • Prevent Illness
  • Gain Weight
  • Lose weight
  • Maintain weight
  • Improve Regularity
  • Reduce Blood Sugars
  • Improve Arthritic Pain

Shakeology is the Foundation of any nutritional plan! sounds good, how do I get it?

There are several options for you. You pick the one that is right for you, and message me, and it'll be headed to you!

  • Option 1: Try a 4 serving SAMPLE PACK of Shakeology! You'll get either 4 single serving of Whey based Shakeology in 4 delicious flavors which are: Chocolate, Vanilla, Strawberry and Greenberry OR you can choose the super smooth Vegan formula and receive 2 Vegan Chocolate and 2 Vegan Tropical Flavors!
  • Option 2: Go all in! Order a 24 day single serving supply OR a 30 day bulk bag supply of Shakeology! The single serving option gives you the added benefit of convenient single serving packets AND the opportunity to combine flavors in different combinations! the 30 day bulk bags can be set to alternate flavors, so don't feel like you'll be locked in forever! With free "Home Direct" option, your shipping is FREE regardless of the order you choose! Bonus!
  • Option 3: Get the Shakeology of your choice PLUS a complete DVD based workout program PLUS FREE SHIPPING! As me about which programs are best for you!
  • Option 4: Get everything included in Option 3 PLUS SAVE 25% on ALL your future orders and that includes ANYTHING you want in the future, from other workouts to supplements to workout to products!

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