Friday, January 22, 2016

2015, the year that I questioned every single month, wondering how much worse can it get...bad question, and not hard enough wood to knock on. The hits just kept on coming.
In August, I decided enough is enough. It was a soft decision, in which, I didn't fully believe that it would really work, but I took a chance and went for it.
Now, 30 pounds lighter in body as well in spirit, I am ready to take on the world. I am happier, I have more energy. I especially have more confidence. Hits will keep on coming, but I know how to jump back up and fight back.
You are on the edge of a cliff, and on the bottom of that ravine, is your dreams.  Do you just stand there? Or do you take that leap of faith? Your parachute will eventually open, maybe not right away, but eventually you will get to those dreams, and they will become your reality. Or you can just sit there on the edge, wishing you had the strength to leap.
I am a Beachbody Coach. I love what I do. I encourage others to take that leap. Are you ready to jump?

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