Tuesday, January 26, 2016

The Challenges and Benefits of Getting Healthy

Challenging yourself it's not always easy...

I've been challenging myself for 6 months now. Challenging myself to eat healthier, with healthier portions, exercising, and growing my mind...

Sometimes you have to give up stuff, like your favorite ice cream...thank you Ben And Jerry for creating an awesome dessert. And sometime you have to give up your time..Hello 5 in the morning. And sometimes you have to give up something you enjoy doing...watching TV at night....
And sometimes you have to give up other things...

In doing so though, you are doing something more, something more for yourself. Letting yourself grow, letting your brain grow, make new connections, and becoming you, the you that you body and mind dream of being. A machine that is functioning so well, top performance, doing exactly all the things it was made to do.

You get benefits too...my kids, they now like to eat healthy. They make smoothies for breakfast instead of Poptarts. My youngest is trying new foods, and allowing other foods she always refused before to be on her plate. She has sensory issues, and if something doesn't feel right, look right, or be in the right position, she doesn't want anything to do with it. So that is a HUGE VICTORY!

Your kids also watch you, they watch you exercise...they watch you make sure your portions are right. And kids IMITATE! So can you imagine the possibilities for them?

6 Months ago I began listening to personal development audio...such as Chalene Johnson and Shawn Achor.  Though I didn't realize it, my daughter was listening in too...and now she is working on herself to become a confident beautiful person and she is also inspiring friends to do so as well!

I now have more energy, I'm confident, I feel beautiful, I''m not afraid to look in the mirror, and I have a desire to keep giving up things that aren't healthy for me, and REAPING the benefits!

This Challenge Group? I have lost 5 pounds, and I still have 5 days to go!

I have a new group starting in FEBRUARY...want to REAP THE BENEFITS TOO? Head HERE.

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