Friday, January 29, 2016

Why Coach? My Reasons

Coaching. Seems like an interesting choice right? A girl who graduates with a Bachelors in Child and Family Studies, and then she goes into some sales business. You have questions about why I would do it right? Well, let me share with you my reasons why.
I'm a Coach, and I'm proud to be one! 



  1. I am a busy mom. I drive about 6 hours a day...6 HOURS!! That's insane right? My kids have 3 schools, three different kinds of therapies, plus extra curricular activities...and that's not even mentioning dentists, doctors, and whatever else. Coaching fits into my time frame. Would a 9-5 job do that? NO WAY!
  2. I get to spend time with my kids when I want. I don't have to miss those lovely firsts.

  1. Accountability. I have to make sure I am putting in the time if you are. My teammates have to know that I am doing it too. And in doing so, I've lost 33 pounds!!! Holy Tomato!

Money Reasons

  1. I am saving money to bring my hubby home from deployment for a vacation.
  2. I am saving money for three months living expenses...he won't be in the military for much longer, RETIREMENT here we come!!
  3. I will pay on a house payment for our first "REAL" house.
  4. I will buy a camper so we can go see this beautiful country.
  5. I will pay for my atrocious student loans!
  6. I can do this while working on my masters.
  7. I have PAID for my daughters braces for 2 Months!
  8. I PAID for the gas to see my mother in Illinois!
  9. So my husband to go to college for the degree he wants...not for a job he does just for money.
  10. Because I will be SUCCESSFUL.
  11. Because I want a HONEYMOON with my husband...we never have had one. Money has been too tight.

Dreaming and Attaining My GOALS!!!


  1. Because this business is totally repeatable. Meaning, our team has templates, so use them!
  2. Several weekly meetings with the team, over Zoom calls. We meet with coaches all the way up the line, so we get great training!
  3. Great training that works on everything from PERSONAL GROWTH, to learning about the business.
  4. Training BOOTCAMP. To make sure you are started off right!
  5. Facebook Groups that can answer any question you might have!
  6. A COACH, who can teach you everything you need to know, or where to find it!

Learning from Leaders.

Training night. Being a part of a huge encouraging team. 

Lifestyle Change

  1. I am happier.
  2. I am peaceful.
  3. I am confident.
  5. For My Children
  6. They respect me for what I am doing for myself
  7. They imitate me.
  8. They need to be healthy.
  9. They eat healthier foods.
  10. They are becoming more confident.

Inspiring my daughter to be something great. 

For Me

  1. Because I am good enough.
  3. Because I am taking ACTION

Able to lift my baby after a year of not being able to without pain. 

For You

  1. I am helping you become something GREATER
  2. Because you are GOOD ENOUGH
  3. Because YOU CAN DO THIS

Do it with me! Don't you want to do something like this? I have seen people do this and become beautiful, to earn money for their family, and achieve their goals.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

One Bad, Two Good.

Dinner time.

The rush, the hurry up and chew, run off to do homework, or playing video games.

Research shows the benefits of taking the time to sit down to dinner. Of talking with your children, of trying to get them to talk about their day. Of learning how to talk with your kids now,  as a prevention of bigger problems

With so much going on though, all they want to do, and possibly you too (your day has been long too), how can you get them to talk? To do it without fighting with one another? Without talking over one another, clambering for attention.

In comes One Bad, Two Good.

One Bad, but Two Good

Inspiration came one day as I was frustrated trying to deal with three children at the dinner table. Yelling at one another, trying to get my attention, dealing with a two year old who was throwing food for fun. I knew that I needed to hear all about the good and the bad from my kids and their school day, but I was overwhelmed.

Over all the noise, I said, almost yelling with my small voice, "one bad, two good."

Suddenly, they all looked at me like I was speaking a foreign language.

"I want to hear about just one bad thing in your day, but then you will tell me two good things. We want to know what bad stuff happened, but we gotta know there is good too. And we ALWAYS want more good than bad."

So then we went around the table. It wasn't easy, but over the next weeks, they realized that they each would get their turn. Yep, even the two year old.

A flower in the Rain

Now, two years later, my kids get excited when I sit down with my plate. "One bad, two good." And the turns begin. Everyone happily waiting their turn. Even My four year old, usually with a few chuckles from the rest of us as she tells us how hard it was on the playground, but how much fun she had because she got to eat "cupcakes." Or some other thing. And it's working on her story skills.

Some days are harder though, and I don't want to do it. I just want to eat my food, and then go vegetate...but it's important. Those days, my kids chime in, "Mom, whats your one bad, two good?" And just like that I'm reminded how important it is. 

So what's the importance to us as adults, besides just learning from our kids about their day? Is it even vital to our daily life, even sans kids?

YES!!! It's important to recognize the bad in our life, the trials. So accept them, to learn and grow from them. To realize that they truly happened.

Flower in the Road

 However, it more important to realize there are more good things that happen in your daily life. To see how even despite the bad, something good happened. Despite the pain, a flower was there in the midst.

So here you go, here's my past two days. One bad, two good.


  1. Exercised and got dizzy due to my improperly functioning nose. 
  2. Felt proud for making it through the exercise by taking breaks. 
  3. Saw my daughter receive an award for Honor Roll. 


  1. Kids fought badly when getting ready for school. 
  2. The mountains looked gorgeous with the moon hanging quietly beside them. 
  3. In home therapist for my kids, helped me to brainstorm and plan how to fix morning rituals. 

Now how about you? One bad, two good. 

When we acknowledge the bad, but recognize the good despite the bad, all becomes good in our world, if only for a second. 

Rainbow in the Storm

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


So this morning I was reading all about the incredible Chia Seed.

Did you know Chia actually means STRENGTH? It was used in the diets of Aztecs and Mayans as a staple for their diet. The seeds gave these ancient people stamina and energy, allowing them to have the energy they needed for many hours at a time.  They used the seeds as a flour, an oil, or just the way they are.

When used in liquid, the seeds suck in the water, and become a kind of jello-ish substance. The longer they are in water, the more they soak, till they can't any more. This is the reason many use them to make puddings, and it looks similar to Tapioca Pudding. I have drank them in Kombucha, a drink that is super awesome for you, and the chia seeds made it even more so.

Here are some of the amazing things they can do:
  • Boost Energy
  • Stabilize Blood Sugar
  • Aid in Digestion
  • Lower Cholesterol
  • Get Full
  • Fight Belly Fat
  • Aid in maintaining healthy bones and teeth.

What does it have in it?
  • Calcium
  • Omega-3 fats,
  • manganese
  • Phosphorus
  • Protein
  • Tryptophan

Want to know something cool? Due to Chia seeds being so nutrient dense, they are in Shakeology! Another awesome ingredient in Shakeology to make you feel amazing!

So how do you use those little seeds? There are many ways you can use them, as a thickener, as a topping for dishes, making a pudding, as an egg replacement, in smoothies, ground up and added to bread flour, a fun thing to put into your drink.

Today, I used it to make myself a pudding. I had a yellow container to use (21 Day Fix), and I was getting tired of pretzels. So I got out my milk, added the chia seeds, some pomegranate seeds, a bit of Agave sugar, mixed it up, let it set in the fridge for an hour, and Wha-La! Pudding!

Here's my recipe:

Chia-Pomegranate Pudding

1/4 cup of milk (or coconut milk, Almond milk...)
3 teaspoons of chia seeds
1/4 cup of pomegranate seeds
1 teaspoon of Agave Syrup

Combine ingredients, and let chill in the fridge for an hour or more. Add a spoon, and eat! YUM!

The Challenges and Benefits of Getting Healthy

Challenging yourself it's not always easy...

I've been challenging myself for 6 months now. Challenging myself to eat healthier, with healthier portions, exercising, and growing my mind...

Sometimes you have to give up stuff, like your favorite ice cream...thank you Ben And Jerry for creating an awesome dessert. And sometime you have to give up your time..Hello 5 in the morning. And sometimes you have to give up something you enjoy doing...watching TV at night....
And sometimes you have to give up other things...

In doing so though, you are doing something more, something more for yourself. Letting yourself grow, letting your brain grow, make new connections, and becoming you, the you that you body and mind dream of being. A machine that is functioning so well, top performance, doing exactly all the things it was made to do.

You get benefits kids, they now like to eat healthy. They make smoothies for breakfast instead of Poptarts. My youngest is trying new foods, and allowing other foods she always refused before to be on her plate. She has sensory issues, and if something doesn't feel right, look right, or be in the right position, she doesn't want anything to do with it. So that is a HUGE VICTORY!

Your kids also watch you, they watch you exercise...they watch you make sure your portions are right. And kids IMITATE! So can you imagine the possibilities for them?

6 Months ago I began listening to personal development audio...such as Chalene Johnson and Shawn Achor.  Though I didn't realize it, my daughter was listening in too...and now she is working on herself to become a confident beautiful person and she is also inspiring friends to do so as well!

I now have more energy, I'm confident, I feel beautiful, I''m not afraid to look in the mirror, and I have a desire to keep giving up things that aren't healthy for me, and REAPING the benefits!

This Challenge Group? I have lost 5 pounds, and I still have 5 days to go!

I have a new group starting in FEBRUARY...want to REAP THE BENEFITS TOO? Head HERE.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Why do I try. 
Why do I get up everyday and exercise. 
Why do I eat well, why do I put on clothes that are well put together. 
Why do I take my kids to all their appointments and school times, and make sure they are properly put together. 
Why do I make sure my dogs are fed. Why do I clean obsessively to make sure my spouse has the things he needs. 
Why do I go and meet siblings I hardly know of, why do I say goodbye to a father who really didn't know me? 
No. This isn't about self pity. It isn't about getting well wishes, or even surprise from readers. No, this is about something else entirely. Can you think of why you make dinner for your family? Why you send a thank you note? 
You can say, "it's because I love them," or you can say, "it's because I have to, because I'm a mom or a sibling" or whatever it may be. Is that the true reason? 
Let's dig deeper. If none of those things got done, if you didn't get your children from school, if you didn't make dinner, of you didn't exercise, what would happen. What are the consequences? Children get upset. Kids are hungry. Heart disease. These are good reasons, but not good enough. 
Let's look at a different angle. What do you feel when you get something done? Think about it, last time you accomplished something, like making a dinner that everyone talked about, or dressing up and getting compliments, or saying goodbye to a father who hardly knew the real you. What was that feeling? 

Peace. Quiet. Stillness. Less stress. Less worry. You knew all was right in this world, even for that moment in time. 
That my dear friends, that is why I try. When all is right in this world, I have a knowledge that comes from that peace. That knowledge that just for a moment in time, everything is as it should be. My family is loved and I am as well. Without that inner peace, chaos reins. Storms crash and adrenaline spikes within our minds. Nothing seems like it can be well. Nothing is as it should be. Horrible consequences can take hold, even if it's only within our mind. Ruining our day, ruining our week, and hurting our souls. 
Peace, tranquility, love...those are the things I strive for. Those are the things I try for. It doesn't always go my way, and I can accept that, even if it takes me a while to do so. However, I know that when I try, when I put one foot in front of the other, I can make a difference. I can make a change. I can become Me. 

Diet? Or a Change of View?

Diet? Me? No freakin' way. 
I'm not gonna diet. I like my chips, I like my chocolate, and I love my ice cream and cookies. Why would you want to anyway? Those things, they give me a good feeling inside, a single moment of zen. Why would I get rid of that?
So let's get serious for a moment (I know, saying we might have to get rid of cookies is completely serious). Let's think of why you might want to make a change. Yeah. You. Why would you want to make a change? Here's my reason. Longevity. I want to be one of those grandmas on Facebook that say, "let's give this 100 year old a billion-gazillion likes." I want to see my grandchildren, great-grandchildren and possibly my great-great grandchildren. Would eating all that stuff, just the way they are, stop that? Well, let's see. In my father's side is heart attack, stroke, diabetes....and on my mother's side we got psychological disorders such as Parkinson's and others. Scariest of all: Cancer. Yeah. Cancer. If I eat all that stuff, will it cause me to get it too?
Well, let's think about this logically. What's the point in eating? Yeah, cause you're starving! Hmmnnn, well, what's a more scientific reason to eat? 
According to the University of Minnesota, nutrients give our bodies the substance it needs for “growth, development and maintenance for bodily functions” (University of Minnesota, 2013). So if we are giving our bodies what they need, they can then perform the functions for a happy healthy life. We give it what it needs, and then in turn the cells get what they need, and the metabolic processes are quite happy. 
However, if we do not give our body what it needs, the metabolic process does not work efficiently, and can lead to mutation and dysfunction (University of Minnesota, 2013). These mutations, and dysfunctions can cause diabetes, heart disease, stroke, obesity and cancers, just the things that are present in my family genes! How scary is that? 
Okay, so now we see a point to why we need to be careful with what we eat, but how do we do that? Enter...drum roll please..Eating Clean. No, it’s not about washing your food, rather instead, you are watching your food. What exactly is in that cookie from the cookie aisle in the grocery store? Can you even pronounce it’s ingredients names? How about what’s in that yum yum yum macaroni and cheese? So eating clean is basically this, you eat ingredients that you know what they are. Chicken. Lettuce, egg noodles, bananas, oranges, rice, barley, oats, yogurt, herbs, honey...and the list goes on and on. Can you picture in your head what those are? Yeah! Then you are on your way. 

So now we get into a harder area, what’s the right amount? If I know what a steak is, then it’s ok right? Well, let's think about that. If I were to eat a perfectly wonderful, juicy steak with just a bit of red, grilled to perfection on the outside, but it is the size of my that healthy? According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, a serving size for meat is the size of a deck of playing cards. Anyone carrying card around in their wallet for when they go out? If you do, let me know! I’d like to go play some Euchre or Hearts! No really, the point is, it’s hard to know exactly what sizes are best, and it’d be hard to measure it out all the time, weigh it, size it, it’s a puzzle. 
So, after seeing my dad suffer from diabetes, from a heart attack, and a stroke, then seeing my mom get breast cancer, I knew it was time for a change. It was time to make changes so that I can see those great-grandchildren. So I can even live to see my grandchildren. What did I do? I found that since diet is so important to health, and exercise as well, I wanted something that combined the two. Something that could teach me clean eating, since processed foods have been showing connections to cancer, to obesity, and diabetes. So I did my research, and went with Beachbody’s 21 Day Fix. 
Here’s the thing. It’s not a diet. What? No, it’s not a diet. I eat, every 2 hours. Stuff that I enjoy. Today I had scrambled eggs with pieces of chicken. I also had a burrito with taco meat, lettuce and greek yogurt. Last night, I had taco salad! I eat spaghetti, and I can even make pizza and I eat chips and cookies. I just make them in a more clean way. 
And the cool thing is, the program takes the guess work out of it for you. It comes with containers that show you how much you should eat. It teaches you the better choices of foods. And guess what? You get support group of people just like you, who are learning how to eat clean and exercise. 
Hmnn...what about those cookies, and icecream? What about chocolate? Well, the name of the program is 21 Day Fix. So, it’s only 21 days. That's three weeks of being super clean, and one week break! So on my off week, I let myself enjoy some Ben and Jerry’s ice cream, or some chocolate, or even that Chai Tea, that I love. You know what happens though? I find that I don’t want to splurge, I don’t want to pig out, because I enjoy being healthy and feeling good more. 
One more bit that I do, I drink the Shakeology from Beachbody. Yeah, looks super expensive. I get that, I am a military spouse, I have to watch where I spend my money. I bet many of you do too. However, Shakeology has super food ingredients. Those ingredients have shown in studies to prevent heart disease, stroke, and cancers. It’s $3.50 a day for one serving. That means for breakfast, I have spent on myself, $3.50. Cheaper than that Chai tea I love and it’s spent on something much, much more healthy for me, to get me to where I want to be. 
I talk all about Shakeology HERE.
 And you know what? It gives me that moment of zen. Helping me to change my life, to make changes for the better me. Changing my view of nutrition, to a healthier, happier, longer lasting zen. 

If you're already eating clean, let me know how you found it, are doing with it, and liking it! If you're not, and are curious about the 21 Day Fix or Shakeology, let me know, I’d be happy to help! 
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2015). Sizes and Portions. Retrieved from
University of Minnesota. (2013) How Does Food Impact Our Health. Retrieved from

Personal Development, Exercise, Eating Healthy, How to Fit It All in???

A day in the life of me… let’s see if I can remember everything.


4:45 get up and get workout clothes on.

5:00 workout

5:30 make Shakeology

5:45-6 work on coaching

6:00 shower, get ready for the day

6:40 wake kids, get them ready, get my daughter her chocolate milk (it's routine and required)

7:35 out the door, get kids in the car! 

8:00 get youngest to her school

8:15 next child to his school

8:35 last child to her school.

Then a few minutes of breathing, to catch up on housework, coaching and calls.

10:20 out the door to pick up youngest

11:30 dropping her off at therapy.

A couple hours of breathing time...zen.

2:00 picking her up. 

2:20 picking up son.

Run home!

3:40 picking up oldest daughter

4:15 Martial Arts

7:00 home, dinner yum!

8:00 kids in bed reading, me in bed, feet up, tired.

So yeah, this is my typical Monday. Most of my other days are similar, with other stuff thrown in such as clubs or Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, ABA Therapy for the kids, or even my own doctor appointments for my vocal chords or physical therapy for my hips. Oh yeah, and my husband is deployed. It’s not easy, it’s very time consuming. Here’s what I’m telling you though, even with all that stuff going on, even when some days I’m so exhausted that I’m dragging, I make time for three things, exercise, eating right, and personal development. 

Exercise and eating right give me the physical strength to do all that stuff. They keep my mind clear, and give clarity when all seems overwhelming. They give me focus, drive, and all that jazz. 

And I fit personal development in there too. Personal development is going to help me attain the dreams I had as a child. Have you attained those dreams? I'm sure it's like me, those dreams have been pushed aside, due to kids or a need to provide for yourself, a spouse, a relative or something else. My dreams have also developed and changed over the years. My dream as a child was to help people with disabilities. This dream has evolved so I just want to help people, no matter what may be standing in their way. To do this, I have to become educated, not only with college, but also a true in depth study of areas to help others and to help myself get to that goal. To get personal development accomplished, I have to be healthy, so I can focus on it. 

Have you ever heard of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs? So this is a pyramid that is split into sections. If you cannot satisfy one part of the chart, then you cannot move up. So for example, my life is super busy, if I don't eat well, then I probably won't have the mental focus to drive safe, and thus safety for myself and anyone in my car has been compromised. If I eat, but I eat all junk food, I might not sleep well, or I'll feel sick, or I won't have motivation to get things done, I might make it past safety on the Maslow chart, but will my children feel love from me if I forget them at school? Or will I make to a high self esteem, when I'm feeling fat or bloated because of that junk food? If I cannot satisfy the bottom needs of that chart, I probably won't have good self-esteem, making personal development hard to concentrate on, so reaching self-actualization next to impossible. 

This all stresses one important part, YOU!! YOU are important. YOU are worth putting time and effort into. YOU are a beautiful human being with a purpose! If you don't put effort into becoming a beautiful YOU, then consequences occur: depression, pounds, mistrust from loved ones, disappointment, feeling like you are just going in circles, exhaustion, low self-esteem, becoming sick...the list goes on and on! 

Practically, how is this done? You saw my day, everything is scheduled out. How is it possible to take care of yourself through a busy schedule? So I'm going to give some tips that are practical and attainable. If you know some great ideas, please say so in the comments! I am always open to new ideas!!

  • Audiobooks. With my schedule, I have a hard time doing what I love, reading, but I'm always on the road. So I hook up my phone to my stereo, and play audiobooks through it. I also use Overdrive that I can download books from my library for free.
  • Podcasts. This is also free for iPhones. Podcasts are great for me, because I can also listen to them in the car, or on earphones while cleaning or laundry. There are some great motivational speakers, ones about organization and getting stuff done. Some I like are: Get-It-Done Guy, Magic Lessons (all about finding your creativity), Nutrition Diva, The Chalene Show (my all time favorite). I've also heard that Joyce Meyer is excellent, but I haven't tried it. This is also a great way to learn something new, for example, when I was trying to learn how to blog, I did a search on it and came up with some goodies.
  • For finding time to exercise, the first thing to do is to schedule it. You are just as important as your child's basketball practice. Make time for yourself.
  • Try to rise early. Yeah, yeah, the early bird gets the worm. I hate that saying and sometimes I want to be Fiona from Shrek. The problem is, it's is true. I get up early, and when I do, I get more stuff done, including exercise. I now wake at 5 to exercise, then I have my shake and read some before getting up the kids. By the way, I did it as a process. Started getting up 30 mins early, then another 30, and another 30 until I could do 5.
  • Set two alarms. I set my first alarm to go off at 4:45. Then I lay in bed, and tell myself I can do this, maybe read through Facebook, then when my alarm goes off 5-10 mins later, I'm more awake and ready to face the day.
  • Know where your exercise clothes are! I keep my on a hook by my door, and have a place designated to them in my drawer.
  • If you have to dress your children, designate a special place for their school clothes. Sometimes I'm even put together enough that I lay it out the night before.
  • Schedule out your house chores. So on certain days, I designate time for cleaning things. Such as bathrooms. I give myself 30 mins to clean two bathrooms, every Tuesday. On Saturday mornings, is straightening and vacuuming. On Sunday, I give myself 2 hours to work on a deep clean area, like a counter I had called the Mount Doom because it was covered in papers I needed to file. I scheduled the time, and dug out the mountain.
  • Chore charts! If you have children, they can do chores!!! My children have phased out the chart, but when I need to, I bring it back. I used a big marker board and graphed out lines to separate out the chores. Then they could check it off that day.
  • Food. So I'm still a work in progress on this, but I recommend a menu. Schedule out a week or two of dinners, then add snacks, lunch and breakfast. You should eat at least 5 meals a day (some of the meals are healthy, yummy snacks). This keeps your metabolism working better.
  • Also on food, grocery shop for that menu. Helps the budget immensely. And if you don't buy those snacks (chips, ice cream, candy, crackers...) then they won't be in your house and you will be less tempted.
  • If you are on the 21 Day Fix, get this app called, "21 Day Fitness Tracker." It is an iPhone app, but I think there are similar ones for other types only phones. It allows be to keep track of what I've eaten that day.
  • Planners. I use Cozi. It works to sync up with my kids tablets, phones for me and my mother-in-law (she lives with me! She's awesome), and it is really easy to use. I also keep a calendar on the wall and write important dates. I put into Cozi everything we have going on, from taking kids to school, to hair appointments.
  • To do lists. There are two of these. One is a list of everything I can think of that needs to get done. From Mount Doom to finding a lost shoe for my daughter. The other list only consists of three things, the three most important things I need to get done that day, or it's gonna be really, really bad. (By the way, I learned that from The Chalene Show Podcast).

For now, I'm gonna end with that. It's a lot to take in, and I'd love to know if you are going to implement any of these ideas to make your life easier. One last note, make time to spend with your kids, loved ones, or anyone else. Plan a game night, or a movie night. Life is way too short to become so involved with scheduled life, that you forget what's important. Those who walk the scheduled life with you.  

Becoming You with Your Gifts, Purpose and Passion

Today I listened to an important podcast, and I highly recommend it to you. It was Chalene Johnson, "What the Heck is Your Purpose-What is the Difference Between Passion and Purpose." It was so good, I listened to it twice, and I never repeat books or podcasts.
Here is why this was so important, if we cannot figure out what our gifts, purpose and passions are, then how will we Become what we want to be? How can you, Become You?

So let’s begin with gifts. Our gifts are things that come natural to us. They can be things such as writing, singing, dancing, woodwork, teaching, or other things such as seeing the best in people, or a good listening ear. It can be empowering people, or protecting others, loving on pets...the list goes on and on.
What if you don’t know what your gift is though? What if you think about it, and cannot imagine one single thing you are good at? Well first, that’s self doubt eating at you. Everyone has a gift. Everyone has something they are naturally good at. That saying, “jack of all trades and master of none,” well that’s crap. You have a gift, you have a naturally born talent, accept it!

Still stuck? Can’t figure it out? Then ask a friend, loved one, or even a stranger. Well, maybe not a stranger, but you get the point. Ask them what they see as your strength, something that you can just do, without thought, without intention.
Oh, another point, you can have more than one gift and they can change! That’s why you are special! Figure out your biggest one, and max it out to the biggest potential!
Got it figured out? Good! Let’s move on.

The second point is purpose. Purpose basically comes down to this: serving. Serving others. You are helping people, to help them better themselves in some way. While a gift is a natural talent, purpose is something you are doing..wait for it...ON PURPOSE. You are trying to help people accomplish something. So from a practical view, a person’s purpose may be to help people to learn control over anger, or helping a dog find shelter, or even giving advice so they don’t make the same mistakes you did.

Purpose is a drive to improve something. Something Chalene Johnson said that I think we should all take heart to, “our purpose should give meaning to the past.” So, say in the past, you were abused. Yeah, a horrible, awful thing that no one should go through. You could take that awful time in your life, and use it to help other people to protect themselves through self defense. Your purpose has become, helping others to be prepared. Another example, you had a child born with disabilities and had no help. Your purpose could possibly be to help other parents to not have to go through that pain of not knowing what resources are available.
So remember, purpose is about serving others, so that your past has meaning.

Finally, passion. Think of passion as a tool, such as a car. A car is a tool that drives us from point A to point B. It moves us forward. This car is going to get us where we need to go. So if we think of passion like a tool, we now know that it is just something to help us on our journey, to get us there faster. Using the example of the person who got abused, and now has a purpose to help people, so that they can defend themselves. This person’s tool is teaching a gym class. The other example, a parent wanting to help other parents to have resources. Their tool can be a class they teach, or maybe even working for an advocacy. Or even a blog that lists resources, or working for a program such as an Early Intervention Service. These are all tools. We are very obsessed with our passion, driven to know everything there is about it.
So our passion is the tools we have to get us to that purpose.

So how do they all tie together? Here’s the thing. Sometimes they don’t. Sometimes, they come with a knot so hard to unravel, you are a frustrated mess. Sometimes, they are so loosely connected, that they come untied at the slightest bit of resistance. Sometimes they do, and it is like a perfectly tied shoe that will only come untied when you are ready to undo them.

So let’s put an example together. A person has an inner desire to delight the ears of an audience (purpose), studies stage performance and gets lessons (passion), but screeches like a banshee when she sings (gifts). See how those don’t mesh well?
And by the way, that’s so not me, I sing like an
All three can come together in a harmonious relationship. A person with an inner desire to see children grow up with the skills they need to be successful (purpose), teaches at a school (passion), and just knows how to help children understand a concept without thinking about it (gifts).

Now we will take turns. I will go first.
I’m a person with an inner desire to see people succeed and loving who they are becoming (purpose).
I am a mother, a blogger, and a beachbody coach (and I research the crap outta them) (passion).
I have a natural talent to write and explain things in a way that is simplistic and understandable (gift).

You should’ve seen inside my mind...oh the self doubt that crept in! I didn’t want to admit my gift!

Now it’s your turn. Write out your purpose, passion, and gift. Feel free to share it; don’t let that self doubt win!

If your gifts, purpose and passion aren’t matching, this is where you need to really think about ways to connect them. If your job is just a that, a job, then maybe find something after work to fuel that purpose, to use that gift! Find a new passion to make it work! Without matching up those, you cannot become YOU!

You are worth the effort use your gifts, purpose and passion to Become You! You are beautiful and YOU are worth it!!


Chalene Johnson's Podcast, "What the Heck is Your Purpose-What is the Difference Between Passion and Purpose." From

Shakeology, Worth It or Not? My Perspective

Wait a minute...what? It's that expensive? NO way! Those were my thoughts. No way was I going to do that much on a bag of protein mix. It's not worth it. I'm working off a military budget here. I mean, it's not that horrible, but compared to what I can buy at the grocery store???

So I began a quest of research. Hundreds and hundreds (well, maybe not that much, but it seemed like it!!) of websites, articles, and more of protein shakes. I mean, there's gotta be one, or some off brand that comes close right? RIGHT??!!???

I became so involved in the stress of research that I went up to my spouse and said, "it's your turn, find something cheaper that compares." I almost had tears in my eyes...well, maybe I did, I'm not gonna tell.

Here's the thing. I was so determined to become healthy, so determined to change my life, that I was willing to use a lot of time researching the best protein shakes. So yes, I'll admit it, when I couldn't find something cheaper, it brought me to tears. Did I want to spend that on myself? And what it really came down to was this, was I worth it? You may or may not have the same feelings, but deep down inside, this is what I was struggling with.

What is Shakeology? So Shakeology is a protein-rich, nutrient formula, full of vitamins, proteins and minerals. It was created by Beachbody to help people to reach their goals. The nutrients, vitamins, proteins and minerals are things that your body needs, such as protein, antioxidants, phytonutrients, prebiotics, enzymes, and many others. Interestingly, the ingredients for Shakeology come from all over the world, such as camu-camu and goji berries.

They claim that it can be beneficial for feeling better, losing weight, reduce cravings, increase energy levels, help you to be alert and focused, support the immune system, fight free radical damage, help with digestion, and many, many others.

So here’s my question, if it’s so great, then are there any people, surveys or studies to back up their claims?

First, we will start with Oprah, because well, she’s famous. She’s super into health. She does her homework. In May of 2011, the Oprah magazine featured an 11 page article on the benefits of Shakeology, and liked it! This was all without the swaying of Beachbody. That says something.

Second, Beachbody surveyed 3000 daily Shakeology drinkers, and found that 93% feel healthier, 86% increased energy levels, and 97% feel that it is good investment in their health. that’s a lot of people who seem to like the stuff.

Third, a study. A study was conducted in 2012 on 50 participants ranging in physical ability and nutrition. Participants were instructed to drink two shakes a day, for 12 weeks. Participants reported in daily. What the study found was that participants lost an average of 9.3 pounds, steadily over the weeks. Cholesterol was lowered by 7%. Blood sugar, an important issue for diabetics, the study found that the HbA1c was reduced between 5-19%.

So now I am left thinking, is the amount you pay, worth it? Well, in my daily food intake, I am learning how to do clean eating. It’s hard, and I falter a lot...I mean I did have half of a donut on Sunday. So there is a big chance I won’t eat healthy every single day of my life...I gotta live a little, I don’t think I could give up ice cream. So if I am on top of my eating, by making healthy choices, all the time, will I get all these nutrients every day? Maybe, but not likely. How about you?

 So, after a ton of debating, I went with the Shakeology. I had to budget for it.

Let’s fast forward four months. I am now 30 pounds lighter. I have energy, I have drive. I am loving myself...yeah, loving myself. Do you realize how huge that is??? I can look in the mirror and not hate the reflections and wonder if the mirror is curved like those circus funhouses. The biggest thing, I no longer and suffering horribly from GERD, or severe acid reflux.

Was it all Shakeology? No, not at all. Clean Eating played a huge part, as did exercise. You know what though? It got me to my first goal, of liking myself, having confidence, and fitting into my jeans that I detested seeing hidden under my bed. It also is helping with another goal, preventing diabetes, heart disease, and stroke that is deeply imbedded in my family history.

So, going back, is it worth the money? YES!! It is worth the money to invest in yourself! And it ends up being less than $4.00 a day for breakfast. Less than that over priced coffee and danish you've been eyeing. It’s the healthiest meal you're going to have all day long.

So worth it? Yes, and so are you! 

Ready for Shakeology ? Click Here 


Shakeology Now Clinically Proven. (2014). Retrieved from

Sharpe, B. (2014). Shakeology Nutrition Facts. Retrieved from

Jones, A. (2011). Oprah Magazine Shakeology Article Review. Retrieved from

Bam! Knocked Down!  Do You Get Up or Stay Down?

Dark for a second. I think I closed my eyes, open them and the room spins back into focus. Tightness in the chest.
"Are you ok? I'm sorry!"
I debate for a second. Am I really ok?
"Yeah, yeah I'm ok."
Do I lie there or get up? Do I want to just be down here, and let others see how I've fallen or do I just get back up and do it again? I didn't know falling could be so bad, I mean the surface below my feet was thickly padded. I should be fine right? She didn't mean to foot sweep me so bad, you see, she's used to it, been doing it for years now. Me? I'm just a beginner.
I stand up, quicker than I thought I could, and immediately feel a slight pain in my neck. It isn't bad, not even something I'd take a Tylenol for. Those stupid tears well up though. Annoying. Does anyone see?? I don't want to make a fuss, I'm really ok. So we start again.
She pretends she's going to cut me with the fake knife in the hand, I quickly pull the knife hand away, build my wall, step beyond her, press my calf to hers and sweep...down she goes, and I get the fake knife from her hand.
By the end of class, I was letting her sweep me again, but slowly. I learned something. Sometimes we need to learn how to fall. Life throws stuff at you. I'm a military spouse, so yeah, things get thrown at you with very little warning. My father recently passed, and it hurt bad. Stuff happens.
You get thrown down.
You get the wind knocked out of you.
The world can spin and feel like you've lost all control.
You have two choices.
  • One, stay down there. Let it take over and keep spinning you with little air left to breathe.
  • Two. Get up.
Tears might come or they might be dashed away. Your head might hurt. The first choice you are stuck. You can't move, you can't go on to the next thing, you have no control. Do you even want the control?
The second choice, you go on, you move. You take control and take action. By taking action, you can move on. You can grow. You can learn. Yeah, it hurts. It's a good reminder though, it's ok to fall, cause you can get back up.
Better yet, learn how to fall so you can get up quicker. I will be spending some time doing just that. Literally and figuratively.
My Krav Maga teacher said this, "if you have a wall in front of you, what are you going to do? Let it be there, walk away? No!!! You're gonna blow a hole through it!" I blew a hole through it.
Five months ago, I would've just laid there, literally. Cried. Not even tried to get up. This time, I got up, and blew a hole through what I had done before.
Everyday, I'm stronger.
Everyday I am more confident. Everyday, I'm gonna get up when I fall.
And everyday, I will Blow a hole through the walls before me.
What are you gonna do?

Saturday, January 23, 2016

A Conversation

I am a personal Beachbody coach.

"You sell Beachbody products."

Well, yeah, I do. That's not my purpose though.

"No? Then what is it? Isn't that how you make money?"

Sure, but it's not my purpose. My purpose is to see you achieve your dreams, to finish the race, to accomplish more than you ever would have thought you could. To see the beauty in you, when you can't....

"Why do you sell the products then?"

Because these products are clinically proven to work. And personally proven. I'm an example of it. I've lost 30 pounds, now believe in myself and am finding the beauty within me as well. They are tools to help you succeed.

"How do you do that?"

By encouraging you. By answering any questions you have. By helping you problem solve issues that you can't see through. By being there when you think all is lost, or cheering you on.
That's what my coach is to me, and what I want to be for you.

Are you ready? Cause I am.

Recipe! YEAH! PB & Chocoloate Shakeology

Shakeology! When you add stuff to it, Shakeology Smoothies are lots of fun! POWERFUL nutrition and a yummy taste?!? That's when I say YUM!

Here's a recipe for you:

PB & Chocolate Shakeology
12 Ounces of water (or almond milk)
1 scoop of chocolate Shakeology
1 Tablespoon of Peanut Butter
½ a banana
¼ teaspoon of pumpkin spice (to taste)
2 handfuls of ice (about 10 large pieces)

Fill blender with 12 oz. of water (or milk). Add Chocolate Shakeology, peanut butter, banana, pumpkin spice, and ice. Blend on high until smooth and ice is completely crushed. Pour into cup and enjoy!

For 21 Day Fix, this counts as one red, one purple, two cups of water, and 2 teaspoons
Wanna get in a green too? Before adding ingredients to the water, mix in a cup of spinach or kale. Blend it really well, and then add the rest of your ingredients! You won't even taste it!

Fun extras:
caramel extract
*bananas can be frozen cut into halves with peel removed for thicker, smoother smoothies

Friday, January 22, 2016

Hurdles, Give Up, Walk Around, Climb, or Sail

You're walking/running at a good clip. Enjoying the beautiful sky above you. Enjoying the smell of the sweet, green grass. Distance passes beneath your feet. Foot by foot. Then you see it. A hurdle. It doesn't seem so big yet, but as you close in the distance, you see it's large, comes to your belly button.
You have a few choices. You can quit. You can stop this lovely race you're in. And just walk of the field. Give up.
You can walk around it. Avoid it altogether. Pretend it didn't happen. Maybe it won't resurface. It always will though.
Or you can do your best to get over it. Maybe you will fall over it. Maybe you will climb over it. Or maybe you will sail, like a gorgeous deer (or my dog) over a fence, with beauty and grace that will make others hold their breath and watch.
Hurdles are obstacles, and in life we come across them all the time. ALL THE TIME! We get comments from people who make us want to quit. We get appointments that get in the way. We get belly aches that make us want to just lay in bed all day. Or, we worry ourselves so much, that we just feel like we have to stop. Or, we get so many obstacles in our head, that we can't get past them. That was me lately. I wanted to write, but so many ideas bouncing around, so much that I needed to get done first (hello laundry), so, so, so much that I couldn't start typing.
So what do we do. Well, I considered not writing any more blogs. It's been a month or two. Why should a pick it up? (Giving up on the hurdle).
I also considered going on in my journey. Not writing right now. Just to keep doing things the way I've already been doing it. I can always pick it up later right? (Walking around the hurdle).
Instead, I picked up my phone (after throwing a load in the wash), and started stumbling through this. (Climbing the hurdle).
Oh and guess what, next time I write, it'll be easier. (I'll sail right on through that hurdle).

So what's your hurdle right now? How are you going to handle it?
I have a few:
Not wanting to get up that early to exercise
Not wanting to take pictures of myself
Not wanting to give up sweets after the holidays
Not wanting to bus my kids around to all of their stuff.
I am not giving up, and I'm not walking around.
I may stumble, but soon I'm gonna sail like my gorgeous dog over that fence. Feel the breeze in my hair, and enjoy the glorious freedom.

(Thankfully my dog has not done that since we got a taller fence.)