Thursday, January 21, 2016

What if? Or rather What Can.

As many of you have done, I am standing here wondering what would my life had been like...if. That if. What if I had done this, what if he had done that, what if she had done that...but those what ifs would not have led to me standing on my rug from the Middle East, given to me by my spouse, able to stand on two legs, ready to let the dogs in from going out to pee, then to tell me kids to get into their beds because I already told them it "lights out!" I might not have all these things to be blessed with. That awesome husband, my wonderful children, my annoying but loving devoted dogs, my things...How about you? What if you didn't have that bed to go lay your head upon, or children to tell them to hush already I need sleep, or a floor to stand upon. If you had taken a different road, would you be there right now? Would you take that chance?
So instead of what if's let's talk about "what cans." Let's begin with "what can I dream?" This is where you can dream of becoming whatever you want to be. An actress? Ok. Worlds best mom? Yep! An astronaut..write it down! A scientist? That works too. Or even a dream to be healthy to see your great-great grandchildren. A dream is only limited by your own self-doubts. Are you gonna let them win? Heck no!
What's next? "What can I do that might get me closer to that dream?" How about joining a choir? Or taking a class on space? Or how about acting out things with your kids? Or even listening to a podcast about being a mom? Who limits the ideas? Yeah, you and your self doubt, so quit it already!!
So then what? "What can I do right now, this very moment to get there?" Hmmm, well it may be just standing up, and taking a walk, or getting on the Internet to do some research, or writing out the things you want to accomplish that day, or even putting one foot in front of the other to clean that overloaded counter of cluttered paper (maybe that's me...). Will just sitting here do it? Well no...but I wouldn't mind if you finished reading. :-) So you think about it, what's the next step, where's the next angle, and who's gonna stop you? Are you gonna let the "what cans" become the "what ifs?"
I'm not. I'm gonna turn out my light, sleep well, get up in the morning, do my exercise, and become the "what can" that I want to become.

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