Sunday, January 24, 2016

Diet? Or a Change of View?

Diet? Me? No freakin' way. 
I'm not gonna diet. I like my chips, I like my chocolate, and I love my ice cream and cookies. Why would you want to anyway? Those things, they give me a good feeling inside, a single moment of zen. Why would I get rid of that?
So let's get serious for a moment (I know, saying we might have to get rid of cookies is completely serious). Let's think of why you might want to make a change. Yeah. You. Why would you want to make a change? Here's my reason. Longevity. I want to be one of those grandmas on Facebook that say, "let's give this 100 year old a billion-gazillion likes." I want to see my grandchildren, great-grandchildren and possibly my great-great grandchildren. Would eating all that stuff, just the way they are, stop that? Well, let's see. In my father's side is heart attack, stroke, diabetes....and on my mother's side we got psychological disorders such as Parkinson's and others. Scariest of all: Cancer. Yeah. Cancer. If I eat all that stuff, will it cause me to get it too?
Well, let's think about this logically. What's the point in eating? Yeah, cause you're starving! Hmmnnn, well, what's a more scientific reason to eat? 
According to the University of Minnesota, nutrients give our bodies the substance it needs for “growth, development and maintenance for bodily functions” (University of Minnesota, 2013). So if we are giving our bodies what they need, they can then perform the functions for a happy healthy life. We give it what it needs, and then in turn the cells get what they need, and the metabolic processes are quite happy. 
However, if we do not give our body what it needs, the metabolic process does not work efficiently, and can lead to mutation and dysfunction (University of Minnesota, 2013). These mutations, and dysfunctions can cause diabetes, heart disease, stroke, obesity and cancers, just the things that are present in my family genes! How scary is that? 
Okay, so now we see a point to why we need to be careful with what we eat, but how do we do that? Enter...drum roll please..Eating Clean. No, it’s not about washing your food, rather instead, you are watching your food. What exactly is in that cookie from the cookie aisle in the grocery store? Can you even pronounce it’s ingredients names? How about what’s in that yum yum yum macaroni and cheese? So eating clean is basically this, you eat ingredients that you know what they are. Chicken. Lettuce, egg noodles, bananas, oranges, rice, barley, oats, yogurt, herbs, honey...and the list goes on and on. Can you picture in your head what those are? Yeah! Then you are on your way. 

So now we get into a harder area, what’s the right amount? If I know what a steak is, then it’s ok right? Well, let's think about that. If I were to eat a perfectly wonderful, juicy steak with just a bit of red, grilled to perfection on the outside, but it is the size of my that healthy? According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, a serving size for meat is the size of a deck of playing cards. Anyone carrying card around in their wallet for when they go out? If you do, let me know! I’d like to go play some Euchre or Hearts! No really, the point is, it’s hard to know exactly what sizes are best, and it’d be hard to measure it out all the time, weigh it, size it, it’s a puzzle. 
So, after seeing my dad suffer from diabetes, from a heart attack, and a stroke, then seeing my mom get breast cancer, I knew it was time for a change. It was time to make changes so that I can see those great-grandchildren. So I can even live to see my grandchildren. What did I do? I found that since diet is so important to health, and exercise as well, I wanted something that combined the two. Something that could teach me clean eating, since processed foods have been showing connections to cancer, to obesity, and diabetes. So I did my research, and went with Beachbody’s 21 Day Fix. 
Here’s the thing. It’s not a diet. What? No, it’s not a diet. I eat, every 2 hours. Stuff that I enjoy. Today I had scrambled eggs with pieces of chicken. I also had a burrito with taco meat, lettuce and greek yogurt. Last night, I had taco salad! I eat spaghetti, and I can even make pizza and I eat chips and cookies. I just make them in a more clean way. 
And the cool thing is, the program takes the guess work out of it for you. It comes with containers that show you how much you should eat. It teaches you the better choices of foods. And guess what? You get support group of people just like you, who are learning how to eat clean and exercise. 
Hmnn...what about those cookies, and icecream? What about chocolate? Well, the name of the program is 21 Day Fix. So, it’s only 21 days. That's three weeks of being super clean, and one week break! So on my off week, I let myself enjoy some Ben and Jerry’s ice cream, or some chocolate, or even that Chai Tea, that I love. You know what happens though? I find that I don’t want to splurge, I don’t want to pig out, because I enjoy being healthy and feeling good more. 
One more bit that I do, I drink the Shakeology from Beachbody. Yeah, looks super expensive. I get that, I am a military spouse, I have to watch where I spend my money. I bet many of you do too. However, Shakeology has super food ingredients. Those ingredients have shown in studies to prevent heart disease, stroke, and cancers. It’s $3.50 a day for one serving. That means for breakfast, I have spent on myself, $3.50. Cheaper than that Chai tea I love and it’s spent on something much, much more healthy for me, to get me to where I want to be. 
I talk all about Shakeology HERE.
 And you know what? It gives me that moment of zen. Helping me to change my life, to make changes for the better me. Changing my view of nutrition, to a healthier, happier, longer lasting zen. 

If you're already eating clean, let me know how you found it, are doing with it, and liking it! If you're not, and are curious about the 21 Day Fix or Shakeology, let me know, I’d be happy to help! 
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2015). Sizes and Portions. Retrieved from
University of Minnesota. (2013) How Does Food Impact Our Health. Retrieved from

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