Real Transformations!!

Real Transformations include not only a visual picture, but a internal one as well. However, seeing results in someone is a lot harder than seeing the outside right? So here I will add stories as I get them of anyone who has gone through the transformation. I'll start with my story.

I am a miltiary spouse. I am a mom of three children, two of which have special needs. I also have a Bachelors in Child and Family Studies and will start on my Masters in Social Work in August of 2016. Being a military spouse, I have followed my husband from Utah, to Germany, to Illinois, to Nebraska, and now we are in Colorado. I had two of my children in Germany, and one in Nebraska. When my husband gets orders, we pick up and go. So three years ago, when my husband got orders to deploy, and we just moved in Colorado, I was overwhelmed. Trying to get my kids into the correct school for their special needs, trying to sort boxes, and chasing a two year old fun. One day I was moving boxes in the garage and I lifted the boxes and fell in pain. If my hips had vocal chords, I would be deaf right now. They hurt bad. I went to the doc and found that I had hernias. So surgery and months later, I was still in pain. Found out that I also had one leg that was shorter. So lots of physical therapy later...and sitting on the couch because walking was so painful, the pounds were put on. I ate because it was something that made me feel better. Lots and lots of ice cream and chocolate milk. So fast forward to August. By August I was walking again, due to some awesome physical therapists...but the weight seemed there to stay. So I decided I was DONE. I heard about 21 Day Fix and Shakeology, and signed up as a discount member.
During the next months till now, I have experienced my husband deploying again, my father having a stroke and passing away, and my mother getting breast cancer and liver/kidney disease. I can't say it's been easy, but I'm now 40 pounds lighter, my self confidence is booming, and I'm loving life. I am no longer fighting pain in my hips, fighting depression, Vocal Chord Dysfunction (yeah, I have that too), GERD (yep got that too), I can run after my 4 year old, I don't need naps, and yeah...I'M HAPPY!!

So what if we got you signed up today...what would your transformation story be?

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