Friday, February 12, 2016

Surviving 21 Days of 21 Day Fix

I began my journey on August 10. It was many containers, not looking like enough food, was I going to be starving?? How do I use the containers? Seriously, was I gonna starve? 

My coach reassured me, No, you won't starve, and yes, it's simple. I researched on Pinterest. I pinned so many “get started with 21 Day Fix” articles that my folders looked like a 21 Day Fix magazine on steroids. 
So the first week went by. I made a food menu. I did the exercise, and I used the girl named Kat on there who modified everything. It was hard, but I persevered. I was determined to get it done. 

Second week I tweeted my seriously, who wants to eat the same food over and over? No, I'd quit. Exercises seemed slightly easier...but no way was I gonna keep up with Autumn. 
Third week again I tweeked my menu. Added in some fun carbs, and some better proteins. I mostly stuck with Kat on modifications, but I was able to add in a few sets doing it with Autumn. 
Week four? Well, I SURVIVED! I had made it through 21 days with 21 Day Fix. I was determined to eat a ton of food, cause that was my week off. I was gonna eat Nachos, ice cream, cheese soups, and lots and lots of carbs. The reality? 
I stayed close to the food plan of 21 Day Fix without even trying to. Sure, I had some icecream. And sure, I had some popcorn and chips. But I found I wasn't desiring to fill up on cheap carbs. It had worked it’s way into becoming a habit. 
So will the 21 Day Fix work for you? I dunno. I had a crap ton of determination to see it through. I drank Shakeology everyday to fill my chocolate fix. And I found it easier than I ever thought it could be. 
I would love to help you do this. If you want it, we can make it happen. I WILL HELP YOU DO THIS. You only have to make the first step. Contact me. Yep. That's it. Send me an email. Or fill out the form in my page titled Free Coaching, cause my coaching you, to help you achieve your goals, is completely FREE. Yeah Free!! 

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Goals..I Have This Superhero Ability To Forget Them....What Was I Doing? I Forget!

I think it's human nature to want to create goals. They have evolved over the years. A long time ago it was, "I need to hunt for dinner for my family" or "I will learn how to change this hide into clothing."
We still have those goals, they have just changed a bit. "I will work this job to earn money to feed my family" or "I am going to go shopping to buy jeans for my kid who has grown out of his old ones."

We make them all day, from little ones, "I will spend some time cleaning my house" to big ones, "I will earn my Master's Degree.

I think the problem comes in when we make the goal, and then lose sight of the reason behind them. It's hard to lose sight of ones that will have more dramatic ramifications, such as "I need to work to feed my kids." It's easier however to put on the blinders and "forget" goals that don't have short term ramifications such as losing weight, or exercise, or even college homework. It's almost as if I have this superhero ability to forget...

...wait a minute...what was I talking about?

...oh yeah. Goals!

I was listening to Chalene Johnson today, because I am doing her 30 Day Challenge. As I am listening, and having to list out my goals, I am thinking...I've had some of these goals forever. Man, it's so easy to write these goals, and then just as quickly, write them off. How am I going to stick to them? There is NO QUICK REWARD FOR THESE!! How will they ever survive my awesome superhero mental ability to FORGET??

I moved on to thinking about when I was in school...what did I do to remember those dumb spelling words? Oh yeah, repeating the word over and over and over and over..and you get the point. And now? I'm a pretty good speller...I hardly use spell check. :0)

So how do I apply that to goal setting? I have big freaking goals.

Here are mine:
1. I weigh 130 pound by the time my husband comes back in November
2. I make $1000 a month by December
3. I am Diamond Coach for Beachbody by October
4. I have 4 business building coaches on my team by October
5. I have 20 people who I am helping to change their lives by August
6. I have a popular blog with 100 followers by July
7. I have begun classwork on my Masters in August
8. I have a real house! December
9. I have actual business hours by April
10. I am getting 4 yesses a month by July of people I am helping to change their life.

No to APPLY those goals...

EVERY SINGLE WEEK I am going to write down my goals. 
EVERY SINGLE DAY I am going to say my goal that will get me all of those goals...

Here is that Ultimate Goal...are you ready?

I am changing lives using social media, helping people to reach their goals by combining three huge elements: fitness, nutrition, and becoming personally aware of themselves.

WAIT A MINUTE...what was that? What did I just mean there is a goal behind all my other goals? YES! To get to those other 10 goals, I must realize there is one driving all the others.
Chalene Johnson called it a "PUSH Goal." I am pushing to that goal by accomplishing all the others..and in turn, I am pushing all the others to gain my main goal.

So here's my CALL TO ACTION for you. Why don't you contact me...and let's figure out how to get you to all your goals? I want to help you succeed. I want to see you grow. I want you to achieve more...because you can. You are amazing.

Click on the Let's Do This to get started!
Let's Do This!

Chalene Johnson. 30-Day Challenge.